Codependency is occurs when your life revolves around someone else. Although codependency is not a legitimate medical diagnosis it's often associated with other mental health issues.

Most relationships are not always balanced in how much each person gives and takes, but if you notice the traits below reoccurring it may be an indicator that codependency is present in the relationship.
Codependency Indicators
You sacrificing your thoughts, desires, and beliefs to agree with others
Your sense of self worth is measured by your service to others
You put others' needs before your own
You hide your true feelings if they would upset others
You do all the work in the relationship
You feel people need your help with their problems
You have a hard time letting go and relaxing
Psychotherapy Support for Codependency
There are a few ways to break out of codependency by setting boundaries, allowing others to solve their own problems, and prioritizing time to take care of yourself. Reaching out to a professional therapist can give tremendous support and help break codependent patterns. The right psychotherapist would be able to do the following:
Process the aftermath of abuse and previous emotional trauma
Recognize and utilize coping mechanisms and self-care methods
Identify healthy relationship dynamics
Deal with any associated depression or anxiety
When codependent traits alter your daily life, health, or other relationships, reach out to a therapist for support before the problem is exasperated.